I kept with the historical patterns. This one is a Mammen band based on a 10th century Denmark find.
I also tried out different colors as the background and a different edge color.
Halfway through I decided to try out using fishing swivels to alleviate the constant forward turn of the edge cards. I got Eagle Claw Ball Bearing Swivel size #0 from Walmart. They work great! The Historic Tablet Weaving group suggested ball bearing swivels and I can't agree more. Though, I did notice that if I pushed the edge twist build up to the swivel and got rid of it all, then the edge cards were super loose in comparison to the other cards with twist build up. So, all swivels or none next time. Found these on Amazon, so I'm hoping they work out.
Because it's a continuous warp, it seems like the twist buildup is causing the warp to "shrink" enough that it isn't long enough for all the pegs, so I have to get creative with warps and pegs to keep the tension steady. (which I'm still working on...)
Much much credit to Silvia Aisling who designed this
Pattern here
I did notice 1 error in the pattern. 13 picks from the end, the turn farthest right before the edge should be opposite (shaded square)
I set my loom up how I thought Aisling said too, but I had to try out a few initial turns before I got the pattern to works. It ended up that I turned forward for white square and backward for shaded. Which is opposite from the instructions. But c'est la vie. I'm sure I flipped something somewhere is the warping process.
French whipped the ends. Not sure I like it, but it finishes the ends.
Even the back looks cool!
Finished specs:
Pattern: Mammen
Fiber: Aunt Lydia's crochet thread classic size 10 in black, white, green, and brown.
Cards: 17
Length: 49.5" (125.7 cm)
Starting width: 16mm
Smallest: 15mm
Ending width: 17 mm
Widest: 18 mm