Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brown X Kilt for Ben

Pattern from

Finished measurements:
Fell 6"
drop 22"
Rump 50.5"
Waist 48.75"
14 pleats
9" over apron

Sew Classics Bottomweight canvas target solids in potting soil

5 years fabric, 1' extra strength velcro, 1 250 yd spool thread

~12 hours of sewing/ironing/pinning

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wine bottle tote a la Ikea

Wine bottle tote sewn from a full sized Ikea blue tarp bag

Don't Blink! Cookies

3D printer cookie cutters from

Tried and true sugar cookie recipe (lots of flour on the cutter) and a little black food color to get the statue color.

Sugar Cookies

Oven 375 degrees

Cream:   2/3 cup of shortening, 3/4 cup sugar.  Add 1 tsp vanilla

Add and Beat: 1 egg

Fold in: 4 tsp of milk, 2cups sifted flour (not necessary, but I think they taste better), 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp. salt, until mixed.

Separate and add in any dyes as needed. If you add dye, add more flour. The dough shouldn't be sticky. If it's a humid day, add more flour :-)

Divide dough in half, wrap in wax paper and refrigerate 1 hour. (You can keep it longer than 1 hour, but not a whole day or overnight. It dries out too much.) Cold dough is très important.

Roll dough out on a lightly floured surface. Use cookie cutters or a glass to make shapes. If they just aren't holding up to being cut and moved to the cookie sheet, knead in more flour. It's hard to know how much extra you'll need if you need any at all.

Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 6-8 minutes. They won't brown but will look set. I burnt many batches the first time.  cool slightly before removing from sheet. Makes 2 dozen.